"Fasting is the first principle of medicine"-Rumi


Informasi dalam blog ini tentang intermittent fasting (IF) dan diet ketogenik BUKAN bertujuan untuk menggantikan nasihat, konsultansi, diagnosis dan rawatan dari ahli perubatan yang bertauliah. JANGAN berhenti dari sebarang ubat atau follow-up tanpa pengetahuan doktor anda!

Monday 22 July 2019

Glycocalyx, LDL, HDL and How Atherosclerosis Develops..

Ever heard the word glycocalyx? I came across a few times before but never look into it. Today just having more time to do some research and happy to share it in this post. Anyway, again its related to sugar and insulin resistance syndrome. So we have means to tackle it by IF + Keto Diet!

What is glycocalyx?


Excellent lecture by Ivor Cummins on pathophysiology of atherosclerosis:

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