"Fasting is the first principle of medicine"-Rumi


Informasi dalam blog ini tentang intermittent fasting (IF) dan diet ketogenik BUKAN bertujuan untuk menggantikan nasihat, konsultansi, diagnosis dan rawatan dari ahli perubatan yang bertauliah. JANGAN berhenti dari sebarang ubat atau follow-up tanpa pengetahuan doktor anda!

Sunday 16 October 2022

Is Statin Indicated For Low Carb/Keto Dieters?


-Continuation from previous post

First Issue

When we closely look at the Top 10 risk above again, most (except smoking & inactivity) can be reversed or at least improved by lifestyle intervention ie IF + ketogenic diet!

Source: https://journals.lww.com/co-endocrinology/Fulltext/2022/10000/Statin_therapy_is_not_warranted_for_a_person_with.14.aspx

Hence, we can hypothesize that IF + ketogenic/low carb diet will prevent development of CHD in the future!. 

We are waiting for more definitive studies to prove that.. meanwhile, as aptly said by Prof Tim Noakes:

Second Issue

Concerning raised Total Cholesterol & LDL, which we commonly see in those on IF/keto. Should they take statins? Let's look at recent review article by Diamond et al, 2022 





SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION (from the authors)

We have addressed concerns regarding high LDL-C in individuals on an LCD, which began 5 decades ago and persist to the present day. Our review has evaluated whether these concerns are justified based on three levels of analysis. 

First, critics of the LCD have focused on how the diet may increase LDL-C. However, there is a substantial literature demonstrating that LDL-C is of limited utility as a CVD risk factor

Second, we reviewed the literature on LCD improvements in CVD risk factors which are superior to LDL-C, such as IR, hypertension, hyperglycemia, LDL particle subtypes, and metabolic syndrome. 

Third, we summarized RCTs which demonstrate that individuals with high LDL-C and an LCD-like lipid profile (low TGs and high HDL-C), had a low rate of coronary events under nontreatment conditions and derived no CVD benefit from statin therapy. Therefore, our review of the literature provides support for the conclusion that LDL-C reduction with a statin would not provide any benefit in primary or secondary prevention of CVD for an individual on an LCD.

-The choice is yours to decide on your own health journey-


Top 10 Risks of Developing CHD

Top Ten Risks of developing Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)
Note: Total Cholesterol/LDL not in the list!😏

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